Thursday Aug 03, 2023
BC - Queen Dearth
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
In this week's beekeeper chat, John gives Nathalie some scenarios that can be encountered during a hot summer dearth so that she can detail how she would personally approach each scenario. Topics include shrinking colonies, the presence of wax moth larvae, and missing queens. Tune in now to learn more...
(Original Air Date: July 13th, 2020)
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
BC - Sym BEE Osis
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Today, Nathalie and John discuss a recent docu-video that talks about whether bees truly are herbivores, or if there is more going on behind the scenes… Welcome to the microscopic world of microbes, bacteria, and fungi! Tune in now to learn more about how these tiny aspects might be making a big impact on the health and lives of our honeybees.
(Original Air Date: June 1st, 2022)
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
BC - The Sting of Beekeeping
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
In this week’s beekeeper chat, Nathalie and John tackle the sting of beekeeping. Literally, the sting, and its effects. Do you have an allergy to bee stings? Are you sure? Do you know the true definition of an allergic reaction verse a local reaction? Do you have an EpiPen, just in case, but have never been medically diagnosed as being allergic to stinging insects? Tune in now to learn more about the pros and cons of such devices, as well as how to tell if you are truly allergic to bee stings.
(Original Air Date: May 18th, 2022)
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
BC - The Beeless Beekeeper
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
In this week's edition of the Beekeeper Chat, John and Nathalie discuss the challenges and heartache that can be experienced on both sides of being the buyer waiting to get your bees, and the seller trying to fulfill their orders. This, of course, is brought on by John's bee order being delayed again, and now at risk of being canceled completely... and he's not so sure he fully believes the reasoning behind the delays. Tune in now to get caught up on the latest from the Beeless Beekeeper!
(Original Air Date: May 11th, 2022)
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
BC - Intuitive Beekeeping
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
In a follow-up to the Natural Beekeeping Corner episode - pt 12 - Brood Dynamics with Fonta Molyneaux, John and Nathalie discuss the concepts of what it is to be an Intuitive Beekeeper. How do you build up your own instincts so that you can be a better collaborator with your bees? Tune in now to learn more...
(Original Air Date: May 4th, 2022)
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
BC - 3D Printed Hives?
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
In today’s beekeeper chat, Nathalie and John discuss the concepts of 3D Printed Hives. What styles are out there? What possible side-effects could the materials hold for the bees? Are they truly an option for every beekeeper, and should they even be considered if they were? Can they really help to “Save the Bees?” Tune in now to learn more…
(Original Air Date: April 27th, 2022)
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
BC - Ticking Timebomb
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Don’t let all the fluff and random banter between these two beekeepers lull you into a false sense of security, as the main subject matter of this episode could be triggering for anyone who has a problem with little creepy crawlies. Today, Nathalie and John discuss a variety of topics ranging from updates on John’s lack of bees; a study on bananas in hives; Topbar hives in northern climates; chickens for pest control; and of course the pest themselves… Ticks! Scorpions, roaches, and maggots also get a special mention in this creep show of a crawly little episode as well. So, grab your favorite bug repellant and settle in for a potentially unsettling conversation. Don’t look now, but I think there’s something crawling up your arm…
(Original Air Date: April 20th, 2022)
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
BC - Varietal Ponderings
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
In today's beekeeper chat, John has a variety of things on his mind. Well, Varietal Honey things to be specific. Nathalie and John talk through the concept of varietal honey and the processes that can be taken to achieve you goals. Though, they also pose a few questions about the realities of the process along the way. Tune in now to learn more...
(Original Air Date: April 2022)
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
BC - Multi Directional
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
In this latest beekeeper chat, John talks about surviving April Fools day and gives an update on Ken. Nathalie and John then discuss the way comb is naturally built by bees and the different directions it goes during the process. Perhaps this knowledge can also help you when planning your hive expansions and colony growth.
(Original Air Date: April 2022)
Thursday May 25, 2023
BC - Chemical Conspiracy
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
In this edition of our Beekeeper Chats, Nathalie and John discuss some of the disturbing setbacks that have occurred with the banning of harmful pesticides. Though it is jokingly called a conspiracy in the title, its really more like blatant disregard.
(Original Air Date: March 16th, 2022)